jinnianhui金年会机译:注:最新的Cinemachine可从Unity 2018.2通过包管理器获得。资产存储上的这个版本不是最新的,它没有最新的功能,最终将被删除。
英文官方原文:NOTE: The latest Cinemachine is available via the Package Manager from Unity 2018.2 . This version here on the Asset Store is not the most recent, it doesn't have the newest features and will eventually be removed.
英文官方原文:Cinemachine is unified procedural camera system for in-game cameras, cinematics and cutscenes, film pre-visualization and virtual cinematography eSports solutions.
英文官方原文:If you have a camera in your project, you'll benefit from Cinemachine being your camera system.
英文官方原文:Cinemachine includes these components:
英文官方原文:Procedural composition cinematically tracks and composes whatever target you define, be it an object or bone in your character. It’s a smart camera operator which procedurally films the actions based on your direction of where you want it on screen.
英文官方原文:Follow modes mount cameras to objects with real-time offset tuning and per-axis dampening controls. Create follow cameras in a snap. Numerous options for following based on world angle, position delta and more.
英文官方原文:Clear Shot Real-time shot evaluation. Setup any number of cameras and give them a priority. If the camera becomes occluded or can't make a good shot, Cinemachine will cut (or blend) to the next highest priority shot. Amazing for replays or cutscenes in variable scenarios. Randomization functionality to mix up
英文官方原文:Multi-point targeting Cinemachine will track and compose multiple targets with controls to move backwards or forwards or adjust the zoom - or both, you can decide the order.
英文官方原文:Collision system Camera collision systems are difficult to get right. Cinemachine gives you the ability to put a Collision system on any camera with the push of a button.
英文官方原文:Completely open API Extend and configure Cinemachine exactly how you'd like.
英文官方原文:Free Look Powerful 3rd person orbit camera with configurable settings per height.
英文官方原文:State Drive Camera module Easily link any Animation state with any Camera without writing any code. Trigger camera behaviours based on running, jumping, attacks - easily link cameras to animations and specify custom blends between any two shots.
英文官方原文:Dolly Track Put down dolly track just like on a film set. Animate the camera down the path or use the Auto Dolly feature to have the camera follow your subject. Amazing for cinematics and gameplay cameras where you'd like the camera to follow a spline path. Use multiple dolly tracks and blend between them based on gameplay events or trigger volumes in the world.
英文官方原文:Noise multi-channel Perlin noise function which allows you to create anything from handheld behaviours to speed vibrations and everything in-between
英文官方原文:Robust blending architecture define how any camera blends from one shot to the next. Easily create huge camera state machine setups for in-game cameras.
英文官方原文:Priority Assign a priority to cameras and have the highest priority shot be used in any given situation.
英文官方原文:Mixer Mix between up to 8 different cameras, like an audio mixing board for your cameras.
英文官方原文:Blend List Create camera sequences which are triggered from a single camera, for super quick setup of crash-zooms and dolly in/outs.
英文官方原文:Designed with nearly 20 years of experience creating camera systems in numerous game engines
英文官方原文:Cinemachine will allow you to craft shots, build camera rigs, tune and save properties in play mode and dream up camera behaviors without any programming It allows for you to easily make tracking shots of AI driven objects or any other performer with variable behavior, all with screen-based composition controls. It lets you build large and sophisticated camera setups very quickly and easily.
英文官方原文:The Cinemachine modules have been designed, deployed, tuned, improved, iterated on, redesigned and refined over and over again on multiple AAA projects spanning numerous game genres over many years. They’re simple, light, endlessly configurable and will allow you to make sophisticated cameras without any coding.
英文官方原文:Please note that this is a Restricted Asset and, as per the Asset Store EULA, specific license terms apply to it. The specific license terms for this Restricted Asset are provided LICENSE file contained in the package
北京jinnianhui金年会数字科技有限公司,在游戏行业,在网页游戏平台,jinnianhui金年会是昆仑万维最可靠的合作伙伴之一,制作的《猛将无双》网页游戏,早在二零一二年就获得国内外无数大奖。近年来,jinnianhui金年会积极拓展业务体系,由于Unity3d在手游领域的流行,jinnianhui金年会自主研发多类游戏美术制作插件,在手游与PC 平台,jinnianhui金年会是大宇软星忠实的合作伙伴,参与制作《仙剑奇侠传》系列,《大富翁》系列。让jinnianhui金年会引以为傲的是,我们与腾讯,网易,卡普空,蓝港等一线厂商保持着默契并良好的合作关系。服务逾十年来,参与研发作品超五百部。多部作品广受内人士惊艳好评。